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The Women of Temple Beth-El Sisterhood

The Women of Temple Beth-El is a dynamic sisterhood of women united by a shared objective: to make a positive impact on each other, our congregation and the wider Jewish community. Join this vibrant community of women and together, we will achieve remarkable things!

Sisterhood offers a wide range of activities and programs, both educational and social, to engage the women of Temple Beth-El. We want our members to have fun, develop friendships and have new experiences.

We welcome all members of Temple Beth-El to join our Sisterhood.  Your membership and participation in Sisterhood are vital components of our Temple Life.   Our programs and meetings are listed on the calendar and below. Please email for more information about Sisterhood. 

Sisterhood Ongoing Events Include: 

Food Insecurity Drive in Our Community 

Help fill the shelves of local pantries with food. Donate food pantry items inside the front doors of the Temple during business hours. List of items needed.


Jewish Holiday Care Packages for College Students

The College Connection Team of The Women of Temple Beth-El wants our college students to stay connected with Jewish life and to their Temple Beth-El family while away from home. Four times a year (Rosh HaShanah, Hanukkah, Purim and Passover), the College Connection Committee sends your students Jewish holiday gift packages loaded with delicious baked goods and fun treats.

Click HERE to download and print the 2024-25 College Connections Package Order Form.

Click HERE to fill out the Order Form online.

Monthly Book Group

Book Group meets on the second Wednesday of the month, from 12:30–1:30 pm. 


Join us for weekly games of Canasta on Monday mornings from 10:15am-2:30pm (excluding holidays).  Fall Canasta will begin on September 11.  Please click HERE to register.  Questions?  Email Sandi Firsel at

Lilith Salons

What is a Lilith Salon? Lilith Magazine is an independent, Jewish-American, feminist non-profit publication that has been issued quarterly since 1976. At our Lilith Salon events, participants discuss the most recent publication. To participate in Lilith Salon email:

Upcoming Sisterhood Events

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Wed, September 11 2024 8 Elul 5784