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OSRUI Retreat

2023 dates coming soon.

A favorite fall/winter activity for temple members is the annual weekend retreat to OSRUI in Oconomowoc, WI. This retreat is open to all temple members. It provides many wonderful opportunities.

  • A weekend together for families, empty nesters and seniors to step outside their busy lives into a Jewish environment.
  • A time to explore new ideas while relaxing in a natural camp setting.
  • A time for adults to socialize and understand more about each other, and children to play and experience Judaism together.
  • A time to reflect on our lives and to strengthen the bonds of our Temple Beth-El family.
  • A time to learn from our clergy and from each other.
  • A time to explore our spiritual side through worship and song.
  • A variety of activities for all ages throughout the weekend.

Mitzvah Day




During the spring, Mitzvah Day offers volunteer opportunities for all ages.

“This will be a day that unites the entire Temple Beth-El family, young and the young at heart, in Tikkun Olam (Repair of the World),” said Rabbi Sidney Helbraun. “For our membership and interested members of the community, here is your opportunity to get involved, do a mitzvah, and see the beauty of your involvement for years to come.”

Past activities have included decorating a flower pot and planting a plant for residents in CJE (Council for Jewish Elderly) housing facilities, creating and sending greeting cards to American and Israeli soldiers, baking cookies for the Northfield Food Pantry, and collecting eye glasses for the needy and creating holders to protect the glasses. We work in our community garden and also volunteer at non-profits off-site to learn about their missions and join in their efforts to make the world a better place.

Family Education

Making wimples together

Wimpel — from the German Jewish tradition, a long, linen sash used as a binding for the Sefer Torah.

Several of our student families used their own two hands to create their own wimple, which will wrap the Torah when they become a B'nei Mitzvah. 

Wed, September 11 2024 8 Elul 5784