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Our Guiding Principles

Kehillah (community)

It is said that when two people sit together and engage in Torah, the Divine Presence rests among them. (Pirke Avot 3:3). At Temple Beth-El, we consider creating bonds among our students (and their families) to be chief among our goals. We believe that Judaism is best lived in community. When students feel connected to their peers, it is more likely that they develop a lifelong commitment to Jewish life.

Kesher (connection)

Our teachers measure their success by the relationships they build. Our teachers value each individual and celebrate their successes in and out of the classroom. They delight in watching their students from grade school become bar or bat mitzvah or graduate from our high school program.

Talmud Torah (Jewish study)

Our tradition teaches that it’s not beliefs but actions which lie at the core of Jewish practice, and that we get to action through study. Our educational program, focused on both Judaic literacy and Hebrew acquisition, prepares each student to be a contributor to the local and global world.

Lashon Kodesh (holy language)

Hebrew, as it is taught at Temple Beth-El, serves as the language of prayer (lashon kodesh) and the language of the Torah. The Hebrew language unites us with Israel and the entire Jewish people. The curriculum focuses on teaching prayers and basic speech patterns.

B’tzelem Elohim (image of God)

Every person is created in the image of God and has immeasurable worth. We believe that each child has the right to learn in a nurturing and secure environment.

Tzedakah (righteous acts)

Although many interpret “tzedakah” as charity, it translates to righteous acts. Students are encouraged to think of others by contributing money, food, clothing, their time, etc. and adopting projects during the year.

Tikkun Olam (repairing the world)

We see ourselves as God’s partners in making the world a better place. Learning about the earth, pursuing social justice, and caring for the disadvantaged are just a few of the principles we are obligated to perform.

Medinat Yisrael (State of Israel)

We celebrate the miracle of the founding and flourishing of the State of Israel through lessons in history, geography and current events.


The commitment of the family is imperative to our school’s goals and principles. Adult participation in Jewish life will strengthen the bonds between parent and child as well as between the child and the Jewish community.

Middot (Jewish values)

Patience, humility, honesty, diligence: These are just some of the positive character traits we learn from our rich tradition and model for our students.

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784